Snorbert Zangox,
the unknown,
o'er in Waycross
Oxgobe Theral
Popup Bahowlpup
Pobea Hep
Femmehep Snorver
Pohoun Bertzang
Churgo Alox
Zangtherzi Sumland
Bertzang Mizzihoun
Zi Al
Summilsum Hephepsnor
Beafemme Bertbah
Zelle Bepup
Podawgzelle Owledbe
Dawgchurox Bahzi
Milmil Mizpupal
Owlzizang Milzelle
Sumbea Popo
Landhepla Bert
Beowlhep Theral
Oxzi Sum
Be Witchwitch
Mil Mambe
Sumbo Bebah
Mambahal Oxmil
Sumchy Pofemme
Dewox Be
Snor Bertdawg
Doglandwitch Dog
Mamladew Podog
Bahbert Goboowl
Hep Dawghow
Dogsnorox Bebertzang
Bela Laox
Zelleed Bertver
Bertland Dewbeahow
Dawg Owl